Electrical resistivity tomography applied to the prospecting of groundwater in a coastal sector of the southwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Andres Gabriel Ruffo Universidad Nacional del Sur. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Edgardo René Albouy Centro de Geología Aplicada, Agua y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Juan Manuel Giorgi Universidad Nacional del Sur. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Matias Rey Universidad Nacional del Sur. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Lucia Belen Carrica Centro de Geología Aplicada, Agua y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
  • Nerea Bastianelli Centro de Geología Aplicada, Agua y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Nacional del Sur.


Coastal Dunes, Electrical resistivity tomography, Hydrogeology, Prospecting


The coastal sector of southwestern Buenos Aires, with an arid to semi-arid climate, is characterized by a chain of coastal dunes. This psammitic dune chain hosts a free aquifer that carries water suitable for human consumption, being the only source of supply for the localities of the area. The objective of this study is to identify the geological conditions of the subsurface, which determine the quality and quantity of groundwater available for human consumption, through the use of electrical tomographies. The applied methodology consisted on the execution and parameterization of electrical tomographies of the subsurface in different sectors of the coastal chain, together with the interpretation of the electrical resistivity images generated, taking into account geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological aspects. As a result, the identification, in the generated images, of lithological and stratigraphic features closely related both to the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer and to the variations in the chemical quality of the water stands out. In this sense, the presence of paleochannels and lithological lateral variations, among other aspects, was confirmed.  The parameterization of the method allows to define intervals of resistivities correlatable with the hydrogeological characteristics of the chain of dunes. It is concluded that the applied methodology is very useful for the geological/hydrogeological knowledge of the subsurface and provides accurate and useful data for the rational exploitation of the aquifer and the planning of groundwater catchment works.  


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How to Cite

Ruffo, A. G., Albouy, E. R., Giorgi, J. M., Rey, M., Carrica, L. B., & Bastianelli, N. . (2022). Electrical resistivity tomography applied to the prospecting of groundwater in a coastal sector of the southwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, (49), 29–35. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revista-asagai/article/view/46130



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