Sediment yield in the headwaters of Videla stream for the study of the water erosion process at the micro-watershed scale
hydrometeorological variables, multivariate data analysis, Tandilia System, watershed headAbstract
Water erosion represents a significant contributor to soil loss on a global scale. The extent of erosion occurring within a watershed directly correlates with the quantity of sediment transported through watercourses. Furthermore, the presence of excess sediment has an adverse impact on water quality and the ecosystem services it provides. The present study aims to analyse sediment yield in an agricultural micro-watershed located in the centre of Buenos Aires province during the years 2022 and 2023. Additionally, the study will evaluate the relationship between sediment yield and hydrometeorological variables through multivariate data analysis. The collection of suspended sediments was conducted bimonthly from the outlet of the watershed using a passive device. For each collection period, the recorded rainfall-runoff erosive events were considered, and the medians of the relevant hydrometeorological variables were calculated. Additionally, data were collected on land use and crop status. In 2022, a year characterised by low precipitation levels (20.5% less than the average) and a relatively high number of erosive events (64.08 g of sediment was collected). In 2023, a year with higher precipitation levels (14% more rainfall) and a greater number of erosive events (27), the total sediment yield was 267.41 g. Principal component analysis demonstrated that in 2022, rainfall erosivity exerted an influence on the runoff process, whereas rainfall intensity exerted an influence on sediment production. In the case of 2023, the amount of precipitation was predominantly linked to runoff and, in turn, to the production of sediment draining the catchment. It can be concluded that, relatively, the process of water erosion was higher in 2023.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Camila Ailén Gregorini, María Guadalupe Ares, María Soledad Gualde, Magalí Fornés, María Julia Arrouy, Celio Ignacio Chagas, Georgina Cazenave
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