Regionalization of maximum flows through multivariate statistical techniques in basins of the province of Entre Ríos




maximum flow, multiple correlation, basin, regionalization


Entre Ríos province has a large number of basins that nourish its characteristic water network. It is integrated by various channels from small streams to large flow rivers. However, at present, there is little observed hydrometric information.

For the design of a hydraulic work, it is essential to define the design flow. In watercourses where gauging stations are not available, hydrological models must be used to estimate peak flows, but the accuracy of their results will be uncertain if there is no data on observed events for their calibration.

One possibility to reduce the uncertainty in flow estimation in ungauged basins is to resort to regionalization techniques. This term is used to describe the transfer of information from one site to another within an area of similar hydrological behavior. (Tucci, 2002).

This work of regionalization of maximum flows was based on the application of statistical techniques of multivariate analysis that allow defining equations to determine flows in the different basins of the province of Entre Ríos. This work was based on the application of regionalization and multiple correlation techniques that allow defining equations to determine flows in the different courses of the province of Entre Ríos. For this purpose, the information available from gauging stations that had flow records measured for more than twenty years was used. In addition, the information base was expanded by incorporating maximum flows from different sub-basins obtained through calibrated hydrological models belonging to the Feliciano stream and Gualeguaychú river basins.

Using the aforementioned techniques, first, hydrologically homogeneous basin and sub-basin regions were determined, and then the physical and hydrological parameters that best correlated with flow. Finally, equations were developed to estimate flow rates for different recurrences for each of the regions as a function of these parameters.


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How to Cite

Regionalization of maximum flows through multivariate statistical techniques in basins of the province of Entre Ríos. (2023). Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 50, e002.