Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The work has not been previously submitted or published to another journal and will not be presented in another form of publication for the duration of the evaluation in this journal (or an explanation has been provided using the "Comments to the editor" field).
- If the work has been prepared jointly with other authors, all have been informed of the terms in which the work is sent for publication, agree in the order of authorship indicated and agree to the version of the work sent, being responsible for its content.
- The authors have the corresponding rights or authorizations to all the material delivered for publication (including text, photographs, drawings, graphics, images and all other material included in the shipment). For this reason, the editors of the Argentine Association of Applied Geology to Engineering are released from all responsibility based on any claim that third parties may formulate in relation to copyright on this shipment.
- The text adheres to the style and bibliographic requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors (see Submissions section).
Original Articles
They correspond to original contributions within the general theme of the Journal of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment. Original articles should not exceed 20 pages in length and should comply with the guidelines for authors. They will be published in order of acceptance. The period between submission and publication will depend on the number of jobs on the waiting list.
Technical Notes
It is an original article that describes a process or technique without necessarily including a theoretical presentation and data. It can also refer to a case study, which due to the novelty of the data obtained or the techniques used, the author / s consider its dissemination of interest. The total length of the manuscript, which must not exceed 3 (three) pages and must comply with the guidelines for authors. The text must include Summary, Abstract, keywords, keywords, and may have up to 2 (two) figures and a table.
Invited Articles
In the case of invited articles, the length may be greater than 20 pages, provided that the interest of the content justifies it and with prior agreement with the Editors of the Journal and the Editorial Committee.
Book Reviews
They are technical analyzes of books of recent and thematic edition according to the objectives of the Journal of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment of up to 1 (one) page in length.
Technical Discussions
The comments and discussions on works published in the Journal will be very favorable and demonstrate a marked interest in the progress of science, where respect and tolerance for the diversity of opinions prevail. A copy of the Discussion will be sent to the first author of the article in question for their response. Both the Discussion and the Reply will be published jointly. Its extension will be up to 1 (one) page.
Copyright Notice
The authors retain the copyright and guarantee the journal the right to be the first publication of the work licensed under an attribution license
The Journal allows authors to maintain the patrimonial right over their work without restrictions. The authors reserve the permission to publish and / or store the accepted version of their article in any type of repository or collection with the condition of explicitly and adequately citing, each time it is used, the original source of the first publication (Journal of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment).
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.