THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, THE DISCIPLINARY POWER AND THE REASONABLE TERM: A critical analysis of the doctrine of the solicitor of the treasury of the nation on the unconstitutionality of article 38 of the public employment law


  • Ramiro Manuel Fihman


Summaries, Administrative law, Constitutional law, Reasonable period, Solicitor of the Treasury


This article makes a critical analysis of the Solicitor of the Treasury’s doctrine -held since 2002- concerning the unconstitutionality of the article 38 of the Public Employment Act which establishes that administrative summaries must be conducted within six months. It is not intended to defend the reasonableness of that period, but to demonstrate that the Solicitor of the Treasury’s decisions regarding this issue suffer from several shortcomings which make its subsequent decisions invalid. One of the main assumptions of this interpretation will be specially refuted: the fact that the executive power has the ability to not to fulfill a Law because it is considered as unconstitutional.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Manuel Fihman

Law graduate from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Diploma in Equality and Non-Discrimination (IR - FDUBA). Fellow of the FD-UBA Student Mobility Program at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (2019/2020); Former Director and Editorial Secretary of the Law Review Lecciones y Ensayos. DeCyT 2018 Research Fellow.



How to Cite

Fihman, R. M. . (2021). THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, THE DISCIPLINARY POWER AND THE REASONABLE TERM: A critical analysis of the doctrine of the solicitor of the treasury of the nation on the unconstitutionality of article 38 of the public employment law. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, 11(2), 171–206. Retrieved from



Doctrine and research