The new environmental order and the argentine institutional legal political system


  • Marta Susana Juliá Universidad Nacional de San Luis.


environmental law, new environmental order, environmental policy


This paper addresses the formation of the new environmental order in the legal, political and institutional system of Argentina, the doctrinaire view, its analysis and construction of the new order from the constitutional reform of 1994, with the enactment of laws minimum environmental budgets. The questions emerged, regulatory and institutional conflicts that come in surface, and the current interpretation.


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Author Biography

Marta Susana Juliá, Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Abogada, Doctora en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Profesor Extraordinario (Visitante) en el dictado de la asignatura Medio Ambiente y Legislación de los Recursos Naturales en la Carrera de Ciencias Jurídicas en Villa Mercedes Universidad Nacional de San Luis (2012-2013). Integrante- Asesora del Proyecto de investigación Consolidado 50612 “Régimen político y cultura política” UNSL



How to Cite

Juliá, M. S. (2013). The new environmental order and the argentine institutional legal political system. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, 4(2). Retrieved from



Doctrine and research