Plagiarism check

In order to ensure the academic integrity and originality of the articles that are published, a process for detecting possible plagiarism has been implemented at various stages of the process of receiving articles. The measures taken are described below:

1. First reading by the Editor-in-Chief: During this stage, an initial review is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief, who selects paragraphs at random for specific searches on the Internet. This measure allows for the identification of similarities with other texts already published.

2. Explicit request to Peer Reviewers: A specific question asking peer reviewers to check and report any indications of plagiarism has been incorporated in the Evaluation Form. This step ensures a thorough and collaborative review.

3. Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers are given the possibility to report any suspicion of plagiarism directly to the Editor-in-Chief through a dedicated box on the review form. This system ensures that any irregularities are reported in a confidential and efficient manner.

These measures are intended to ensure that published works meet the requirements of originality and academic ethics.