About the Journal

Focus and scope

Pinelatinoamericana eISSN: 2796-8677, is the official publication of AMEPINE: Asociación de Medicina del Estrés y Psicoinmunoneuroendocrinología(Legal Person 367 A 06. Córdoba – Argentine Republic) and is sponsored by the Federación Latinoamericana de Psiconeuroinmunoendocrinología (FLAPNIE), the Sociedad Argentina de Medicina del Estrés (SAMES) and the Sociedad Argentina de Psiquiatría Biológica.

Its main objective is to disseminate in Spanish original works referring to the main aspects of the PINE (or PNIE) and related disciplines, aimed mainly at human beings whose contributions are relevant to the development of this approach and useful for the professionals of the Team of Health that exercise this comprehensive research, clinical and therapeutic practice. Experimental articles carried out with captive animals with original results in PINE, behavior, stress and behavior will be considered.

It pursues the same mission of the Association to which it belongs: To disseminate PINE -as a field of scientific knowledge- and Stress -as a clinical model-, among health professionals, through permanent and updated education, at all levels. of training of these professionals, using all the educational means available and in all the geographical areas within their reach, with the aim of contributing to the preservation and promotion of the integral health of the human being.

It is aimed at audiences interested in the topic, especially health professionals who practice this comprehensive practice in their clinical and therapeutic research and treatments.