Energy and sustainable performance of a housing project in an arid climate.

Redesign by simulation.




bioclimatic design, thermal energetical simulation, dry weather, solar incidence, redesign


The present work shows an analysis of the thermal-energy, lighting and sustainable performance of a private housing project for permanent residence on the outskirts of the city of San Juan, Argentina, the improvement proposal and their evaluation. This evaluation is based on the implementation of multiple bioclimatic design tools from Givoni, IRAM, ASHRAE, and internationally recognized hygrothermal energy simulation like Energy+ and lighting evaluation with ECOTECT. The analysis of results was specified in 18 recommendations that are reflected in the project. Finally, these results and the consequent expected energy savings are analyzed. The main results are to avoid overheating and excessive consumption of air conditioning in summer, as well as dazzling its inhabitants. Since electricity is used as a heating source, it is crucial to reduce consumption and incorporate photovoltaic solar energy. Significant energy savings close to 50% are observed. The minimum consumption of air conditioning and the reduction of the peaks of energy demand in winter stand out. Total, loads per m2 decreased from 433 to 262 KWh/m2 year. The project is currently under construction following the suggested design recommendations.


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Author Biography

Lautaro Oga Martinez, CEVE

Becario Doctoral CONICET/ Área Diseño Bioclimático –Tecnologías Constructivas Sustentables, Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica - CEVE, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas -CONICET- y de la Asociación de Vivienda Económica -AVE. 


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How to Cite

Sulaiman, H., Oga Martinez, L., & Pringles, A. (2023). Energy and sustainable performance of a housing project in an arid climate.: Redesign by simulation. PENSUM, 9(10), 119–138.

