versatility and reconfiguration in collective housing

Regulatory and technical proposals. Implementation criteria




Collective Housing, Codes, Regulations, Flexible Design


The possibilities of collective housing unit projects that meet criteria for flexibility, growth, and reconfiguration often collide with the limitations of the production environment. Market guidelines establish models that are often rigid and disconnected from changing needs, as do building code regulations, which limit the scope of action for designers.

While still addressing criteria of economy, rationality, and safety in construction, there is a need to investigate the possibilities of incorporating broader criteria into regulatory frameworks that, while still guaranteeing thresholds of quality and safety, allow for greater margins of action in architectural design. In the same vein, it is of interest to propose technical and construction criteria that attend to the particularities of interventions in neighbouring housing, with the difficulties implied by the coexistence of construction and everyday living.

This paper provides an overview of building codes and proposals for expansion, applied to emerging design experiences from previous stages of Project Research.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, P. A. J. (2023). versatility and reconfiguration in collective housing: Regulatory and technical proposals. Implementation criteria. PENSUM, 9(11), 65–83.

