Virtual reality as a soundscape analysis and design tool




soundscapes, virtual reality, landscape, design, public spaces


This work aims to make a contribution about the possible tools and techniques for the study of soundscapes and the sounds that constitute it, incorporating them as a variable in the design of an open public space. Soundscape design involves integrating different components intended not only to mitigate annoying noise, but also contribute to the quality of life in outdoor spaces. The proposal is based on a methodology that seeks to incorporate new tools framed in the immersive and augmented experience using virtual reality. A sound scene evaluation technique for the design of open urban spaces was proposed and verified, incorporating the use of virtual or augmented reality in the process. A survey of the study site was carried out, its simulation in virtual reality through a 3D model and finally a landscaping intervention was analyzed on the selected site with the corresponding auralization of the sound scene. The technique makes it possible to delve into the study of the variables that influence the sound perception of outdoor spaces, the types of sources and the level of perception and/or annoyance they produce in users.


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How to Cite

López, O., Baigorrí, G., & Maristany, A. (2023). Virtual reality as a soundscape analysis and design tool. PENSUM, 9(11), 52–64.

