Argentina’s residential rental policy in the context of the right to decent housing




housing policies, decent housing, rental housing, right to housing


The objective of this article is focused on reflecting on alternative ways of access to housing that are not necessarily based on private property, within the framework of the right of access to decent housing. Advances on the subject of residential rental in Argentina are taken up again, a topic that is part of the research lines of the team "Urban conflicts: access to rental housing in the City of Córdoba" based in CEVE-CONICET-AVE and the Catholic University of Córdoba, of which the authors are part as doctoral fellows.

In order to structure the article, first the normative framework regarding the right to housing and its implementation is presented, then an analysis of the Argentinean tenancy process is developed where its main aspects are described, followed by a brief historical analysis of rental regulations. Subsequently, a series of practices carried out in the area of rental housing are presented in order to recognize some possible methodologies and strategies to be implemented in a public policy on the issue. Finally, and by way of closing this paper, some reflections are presented in order to give continuity to the debate.


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How to Cite

Nievas, C. M., & Cerrezuela, M. (2023). Argentina’s residential rental policy in the context of the right to decent housing. PENSUM, 9(11), 99–110.

