Public urban green space.

Endowment, Distribution and Accessibility. Case study Loja – Ecuador




Public green space, endowment, distribution, accessibility, intermediate city


It is widely recognized in the literature that urban greenery contributes to climate mitigation, public health, biodiversity conservation, and the well-being of the population. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that inequality in access to public green spaces has a global scale. The present study is carried out in the city of Loja - Ecuador and seeks to determine if the provision and spatial distribution of the public green condition the accessibility of the population. Public green is categorized and the endowment is measured using the urban green index (IVU), the spatial distribution in the city is analyzed and the level of accessibility is assessed through proximity and walking distances to finally establish the correlation between variables. The results show that the provision of public green in the city (6.22 m2/hab.) does not meet the minimum parameters recommended by the WHO and the spatial distribution is unequal. 80.86% of the population and 60.33% of the vulnerable population (older adults and children) have access to at least one green space. The statistical analysis shows that the endowment and distribution of the public green do not condition the accessibility of the population.


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How to Cite

Valarezo Jaramillo, S. V., Castillo, M., & Alvarado, L. (2022). Public urban green space.: Endowment, Distribution and Accessibility. Case study Loja – Ecuador. PENSUM, 8(8), 55–71.

