Place and space in the city.

A necessary conceptual distinction in urban theory.




place, space, spatialization, city, inhabit, habitation


The purpose of this article is to conceptually distinguish the notions of place and space peculiarly applied while theoretically tackling the urban phenomena. The theoretical framework within which such operation is carried out is the Theory of Habitation, this is, from the examination of the ways urbanites effectively inhabit their city. From the rigorous opposition of concepts such as place and space emerge the conceptual and historical evidence of spatialization as a present phenomenon taking place in the modern city, a phenomenon that erodes the deep sense of urban place for the benefit of space, be that private or public. In this respect the article revisits the effect that spatialization has on the modern city since the European Renaissance. Finally, the article supports the thesis of the necessary and forced consummation of the habitable place as instrument to rekindle the city in the hands of urbanites.


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How to Cite

Casanova Berna, N. (2021). Place and space in the city.: A necessary conceptual distinction in urban theory. PENSUM, 7(7), 1–12.

