Construction, Form and Space in the Annex of the National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires 1960.

El anexo del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de César Jannello, Buenos Aires 1960.


  • Tomás Ibarra FAPyD-UNR / CONICET



construction, form, space, concrete art, temporary architectures


The Annex of the National Museum of Fine Arts was designed for the 1960 Sesquicentenerio Fair in the city of Buenos Aires by architect César Jannello with the participation of architects Jorge Gómez Alais and Rubén Fraile. This work explores the project strategies and architectural resources put into play in its design by reviewing the concepts of construction, form and space. The first two are approached from the avant-garde proposals of Russian literary formalism, the contents taught by some teachers of the VKhUTEMAS and the theoretical developments of Jannello himself. The idea of a dynamic space in the exhibition hall on the first floor of the Annex can be observed from the concepts promoted by the Hungarian László Moholy-Nagy, whose theoretical approaches published in his work 'The New Vision' had an influence on the development of the Concrete Movement and on the teaching of architecture in Argentina since the mid-50s. From the analysis of the case study under these optics, we intend to verify the scope of such theoretical approaches in Jannello's thinking in general and in temporary architecture as laboratories of technological and formal innovation in particular.


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How to Cite

Ibarra, T. (2020). Construction, Form and Space in the Annex of the National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires 1960.: El anexo del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de César Jannello, Buenos Aires 1960 . PENSUM, 6(6), 136–151.

