Towards a structural perspective of popular urbanization in Latin America


  • Pedro Pírez



Popular urbanization, Latin American urbanization, solvency-insolvence


The paper proposes an analytical scheme to study popular urbanization, within the broader context of urbanization in Latin American societies, signified by the predominance of capitalist relations. It identifies particular structural conditions that differentiate it from the classical model of development of capitalism. For this, it is based on two previous contributions: One on the peculiarities of Latin American urbanization at the structural level, and another one with elements for the analysis of urbanization actors, their orientation logics and their relationships, which allows the previous one to be dynamized. The paper presents a synthesis of the conceptual scheme, identifying structural aspects: the heterogeneity of production-consumption modalities of Latin American urbanization, the configuration of solvency-insolvency situations in the population and the role of private property. With these elements it is possible to theoretically define popular urbanization as a structural component that clearly defines Latin American urbanization. This is complemented by the presentation of the sequence of popular urbanization, identifying different phases, including social actors, their logics and the relationships that define them at each moment. The text is finalized with some notes that can contribute to this analysis.


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Author Biography

Pedro Pírez

Doctor in Law and Social Sciences from the National University of Córdoba. He specialized in Urban Sociology. He was professor-researcher at the National University of Córdoba (1972-75), El Colegio de México (1975-82) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1983-84). He is Principal Investigator of CONICET - IEALC-FCS-UBA.


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How to Cite

Pírez, P. (2019). Towards a structural perspective of popular urbanization in Latin America. PENSUM, 5(5), 1–12.

