Creativity as a vector of development


  • Myriam Ximena Araya-Schübelin Universidad Nacional de Valparaíso. Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad Técnológica Metropolitana. Escuela de Arquitectura
  • Elena Robles Martínez Universidad de Valparaíso. Escuela de Arquitectura



Cultural, social and economic creativity, sustainable environmental development.


In the midst of the redesign of the world and all its systems is witnessing the largest mass movement of people, goods, factories, frantic finances and ideas in history. However, there is still a longing for belonging, distinction and identity that resists the phenomenon enabled by digitalization, which is changing the way we interact with space, place and time. It is in this scenario, where the civic city, the creative community, which tries to find a way through the main failures, dilemmas and potentials of our time: shared lives, inequality, environmental anguish and urban vitality. Creativity is a source of integral development of the territory. Recognize and promote the creative community and its identity value is to ensure the quality of life and sustainable environmental development; cultural, social and economic. This research is aimed at examining the creative cities approach, and the emerging perspective of creative communities. The coexistence of both trends and their implications for the improvement of the quality of life and in the construction of urban environmental sustainability is discussed.


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How to Cite

Araya-Schübelin, M. X., & Robles Martínez, E. (2018). Creativity as a vector of development. PENSUM, 4(4).

