Urban sound landscape “Soundwalk” as a method of integral analysis


  • Arturo Raúl Maristany Universidad Nacional de córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Centro de Investigaciones Acústicas y Luminotécnicas




Soundscape, urban open space, sound perception


This research aims to deepen the study of variables that affect the acoustic perception of urban open spaces, the types of sound sources and the level of acceptance they produce on users, by means of acoustic and psychoacoustic descriptors. The obtained results allow verifying that the objective sounds levels on their own are not adequate indicators of the acoustic quality of an urban space. There are a number of variables that influence the urban acoustic features such as: the main developed activity and its relationship with the levels of perception of natural, human and technological sounds. The study of the acoustic quality of urban public spaces in the central area of Córdoba, when the objective acoustic conditions are similar, allows the analysis of the different reactions and degrees of users’ acceptance in outdoor spaces. The perspective also involves a comprehensive methodological development which takes into account the interaction among people, sound and context. A methodological approach is proposed for the analysis of the soundscape, based on a mechanical practice for objective evaluation, integrating and interrelating four acoustic descriptors selected: sound level, loudness, sharpness, the low frequency content, collected by applying the soundwalk as a research tool.


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How to Cite

Maristany, A. R. (2016). Urban sound landscape “Soundwalk” as a method of integral analysis. PENSUM, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.59047/2469.0724.v2.n2.16431

