Environmental management of thE Suquía RIVER. Cordoba CITY urban area


  • María Alejandra Novello Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño




Management, River area, City.


The Suquía river and its river area are natural key components in shaping the geomorphology of the urban territory of city of Córdoba. The evolution of the various processes of development of the city, transformed the river area into a place of neglect and contamination by sewage and industrial fluids, a place of deterioration because of sand extraction and because of the advancing urbanization over the dimension of flooding; this led to significant river resource losses. In this context, it is proposed a comprehensive, environmental and landscape management of the river area of Suquía river in the city, focusing on the study of the image of the river area, which allowed analyzing their typological evolution over time through natural variables ecological, anthropic, landscape, heritage and economic, make a diagnosis and build management strategic axes that guide in understanding the use of the river area and the urban fabric of edge. The proposed management plan comes from the study of concrete realities of the river area of the Suquía river in city of Córdoba, being essential for its implementation, agreements between the various public authorities, consensus with the private sector, citizen participation and a holistic policy that give continuity.


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How to Cite

Environmental management of thE Suquía RIVER. Cordoba CITY urban area. (2015). PENSUM, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59047/2469.0724.v1.n1.12945