About the Journal

Since 1999, the Nursing Department publishes the Scientific Journal Notes on Nursing, published every six months, publishing scientific works by professionals from the country and abroad, free of charge, indexed in a database, Latindex, Renic, BINACIS, UNISALUD, and BDENF (BVS -international nursing), Repository of Journals of the National University of Córdoba, space for electronic journals, access to scientific production, a public resource, that is why we are part of this site that the university offers free access. GOGLE ACADEMICO, Academic Search Engineer specialized in scientific-academic literature. Editorials, Repositories, bibliographic databases, Scientific journal articles, Theses, ect. and in LILACS, which as of 2011 is presented in electronic format. The Nursing Department feels that the magazine is one of its main achievements.

ISSN: 1668-8821 e-ISSN: 2618-3692

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