Like a Shooting Star, the Suspended Trace of a Subject on the Run Storms. The Nomad Lyrical Subjectivity of Alejandra Pizarnik


  • Camila Victoria Esquivel Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación


Alejandra Pizarnik, argentine literature, lyrical subjectivity, nomadism, Karoline von Günderrode


This article aims to analyze Alejandra Pizarnik’s poetic work to see how the lyric deconstructs the modern idea of identity, sustained in the uniqueness and homogeneity of the subject. In effect, the latter is presented in a fragmentary and discontinuous way, that is, it is in flight and permanent evolution. She sets out to demonstrate the configuration of a nomadic lyrical subjectivity: it is only identifiable at the moment when its temporary trace bursts into the poetic space. From this, in constellation with other metatextual materials, we analyze the poem “Caroline de Gunderode” (1959). Here, in dialogue with the tradition of German romanticism and surrealism, Pizarnik attributes a repertoire of masks to the suffering, romantic and suicidal poetess and presents the problem of lyrical subjectivity, revealing its character of fictional construction.


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How to Cite

Esquivel, C. V. (2024). Like a Shooting Star, the Suspended Trace of a Subject on the Run Storms. The Nomad Lyrical Subjectivity of Alejandra Pizarnik. Nota Al Margen, 2(3), 11–28. Retrieved from



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