The Desire for the Word in Thomas Bernhard’s Relatos autobiográficos


  • Sandra Fernández Romero Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Letras


Thomas Bernhard, autobiography, thruth, word


It has been widely upheld that it is within his Relatos autobiográficos that the Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard consolidates his style. The aim of these pieces of work would be to narrate a series of circumstances that shaped the first years of the author’s life. Nevertheless, Bernhard ends up becoming aware of the impossibility to narrate those years. Consequently, the language is devoid of all its capacity of communication and expression. Thus, this article aims to study the way in which the research of the word itself becomes the reason for being of the text, and, at the same time, the connection that seems to be established between text and subject.


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How to Cite

The Desire for the Word in Thomas Bernhard’s Relatos autobiográficos. (2024). Nota Al Margen, 2(3), 83-96.