Virginia Woolf Regarding Gender Issues: Unproductiveness and its Connection with the Writer’s Labour in A Room of One's Own and Orlando


  • Belén Lucero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades


economic dispute, domination, unproductiveness, gender, artistic work


Virginia Woolf constantly calls us to reflect upon gender issues. Her literary work deals with male imposition and the consequent female subjugation that leads to social imbalance. In this article, we will return to such matters around the construction of a patriarchal society accentuated by the bases of symbolic power (Bourdieu, 2000). Money, as an object of economic and vital dispute, becomes an unproductive means. In this sense, our analysis will focus on the functional logic of money for artistic and reflective purposes, which will lead to a consequent unproductiveness. In order to do this, we will address two chapters of the novels Orlando (1928) and A Room of One's Own (1929).


Bloom, H. (2011). Orlando, de Virginia Woolf: el feminismo como amor a la lectura. En El canon occidental. Trad. por Damián Alou. Editorial Anagrama.

Bourdieu, P. (2000). Espacio social y poder simbólico. En Cosas dichas. Trad. por Margarita Mizraji. Editorial Gedisa.

Bourdieu, P. (2000). La dominación masculina. Trad. de Joaquín Jordá. Editorial Anagrama.

Gascón-Vera, E. (2002). To be or not to be: la ansiedad de la androginia en Virginia Woolf. En Clepsidra, Revista interdisciplinaria de memoria. pp. 99-110.

Lyndall, G. (1984). Un retrato de familia. En Virginia Woolf. Vida de una escritora. Trad. por Jaime Zulaika. Editorial Titivillus.

Woolf, V. (2015). Tres guíneas. Trad. por Laura García. Editorial Godot.

Woolf, V. (2003). Orlando. Trad. por Jorge Luis Borges. Edhasa.

Woolf, V (2013). Un cuarto propio. Trad. por Teresa Arijón. Editorial El cuenco de plata.





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How to Cite

Virginia Woolf Regarding Gender Issues: Unproductiveness and its Connection with the Writer’s Labour in A Room of One’s Own and Orlando. (2023). Nota Al Margen, 1(2), 49-60.