An Object-Oriented Literary Analysis of the Technoliterary Works of Tisselli and Läufer


  • Tobías Leiro Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


technopoetics, technique, digital, Tisselli, Läufer, Object-Oriented Ontology


To our understanding, Eugenio Tisselli's Degenerativa and Regenerativa and Milton Läufer's El Aleph a Dieta can be considered technoliterary objects; therefore, this paper argues that they belong to an artistic-technical genealogy that challenges the capitalist narrative and the author-spectator relationship. Furthermore, Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) is used to analyze how these works reveal duality between real objects (RO) and sensual objects (SO), and how time and space are generated from this relationship. The ability that these pieces of writing have to create disruptive aesthetic experiences which question capitalist linear temporality and, meanwhile, allow the emergence of perspectives other to the human, is highlighted. Finally, the collective construction of these works is discussed. Ultimately, we approach digital literature as a form of critical art that challenges the traditional conception of technology, literature and the interaction between humans and digital objects.


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La literatura y las cosas

How to Cite

An Object-Oriented Literary Analysis of the Technoliterary Works of Tisselli and Läufer. (2023). Nota Al Margen, 1(2), 142-155.