The judicial preventive function


  • Marcos Edgardo Suarez Montes Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Rodrigo Martín Suarez Montes Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Javier Moyano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


judicial powers, legal security, public order


The normative production of the legislator is far away from being a harmonious, consistent and complete task. Instead, reality is precisely the opposite. The loopholes, redundancies, and contradictions are unavoidable and unfortunately frequent, which threatens significant values of the system, such as justice and legal security. However, the rules of our legal system and the positivist conception underlying force to the operators involved –judges, lawyers and civil servant of any type- to give solutions to those normative problems. The “preventive action of damage” is not anexception, and the recent passing of the Civil and Commerce Code obligates the interpreters to deal with these issues on the task of legal construction. Because of that, this paper focuses on making visible the legal matters that preventive action brings within the procedural microsystem in the Province of Córdoba, and suggests certain kind of solutions to return to the normative system the values that we assign it, such as completeness, independence and consistency.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Edgardo Suarez Montes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Maestrando en Derecho y Argumentación (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Abogado (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Adscripto en Derecho Procesal Civil y Comercial (Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

Rodrigo Martín Suarez Montes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Maestrando en Derecho y Argumentación (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Abogado (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Adscripto en Teoría General del Proceso (Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

Javier Moyano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Maestrando en Derecho y Argumentación (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Abogado (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Adscripto en Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social (Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).


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How to Cite

Suarez Montes, M. E., Suarez Montes, R. M., & Moyano, J. (2018). The judicial preventive function. Nomen Iuris, (1), 51–62. Retrieved from



Maestría en Derecho y Argumentación