Why the camping model? An alternative reading to Why not socialism? by G. A. Cohen


  • Lorena Inés Tosello Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


socialism, radical equality of opportunities, community


Equality, as a social value, has been the subject of many political and legal constructions to develop an institutional design that becomes operational. One of these theories is G. A. Cohen’s proposal as an alternative to liberalism and all forms of market economic organization, represented in the socialist camping trip model. The synthesis of theoretical construction by Cohen will be explained in this paper, showing why the camping trip model would be both desirable and feasible (if certain conditions occur), due to the principles of radical equality of opportunity and community that sustains it. Furthermore, there will be presented two possible arguments, which reveal that not only the model of the camping would not be feasibledue a self-contradiction between the two principles that sustain it, but also it would not be entirely desirablefrom the point of view of intended generosity between equals. Finally another reason of disagreement about the desirability and feasibility of socialist organization on a higher scale will be mentioned.


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Author Biography

Lorena Inés Tosello, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Especialista en derecho de los negocios (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Abogada (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Adscripta en Introducción al Derecho (Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).


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How to Cite

Tosello, L. I. (2018). Why the camping model? An alternative reading to Why not socialism? by G. A. Cohen. Nomen Iuris, (1), 4–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/nomeniuris/article/view/21363


