
  • Sofia Mogro
  • Gisela Kay Guerberoff Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Laboratorio de Tecnología de Alimentos (LabTA) / Química Biológica. Córdoba. Argentina
  • R. Olmedo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Química Orgánica. Córdoba. Argentina


watery kefir, fermentation, probiotics, carbonated drink, sugar


Currently the consumption of probiotics has been increasing around the world, based mainly on products of dairy origin, including associating both concepts, ignoring the existence of kefir that ferments in water and sugar.

               The drink resulting from the fermentation of kefir granules in sugar water presents a potential food suitable for consumers with food allergies, vegans and intolerants.

               The objective of this work has focused on making a drink based on watery kefir to quantify the most relevant characteristics of the ferment: production of carbon dioxide, acidity and presence of probiotic bacteria, in addition to its nutritional value, for subsequent processing use as a base for carbonated drink.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

STUDY OF SUGARY KEFIR AS BASE FOR CARBONATED DRINKS. (2022). Nexo Agropecuario, 10(2), 54-58.