La formación y el deseo del analista


  • Matías Meichtri Fundación Avenir


deseo, época, transferencia


To ask ourselves, based on Jacques Lacan’s teaching, about the formation of the analyst, also involves questioning the fabric that weaves the very time in which said formation is inserted. That is to say, that there is not a unique formation, in the singular, nor is it only a question of reducing it to each subject. Or, if this reduction in subjective terms, it does so on condition of sustaining a certain reflection regarding the impasses that each epoch provokes in the speaking beings. And formation —it must also be said— in psychoanalysis itself, as the only means by which what holds us as unconscious desire can be sifted.


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How to Cite

Meichtri, M. (2023). La formación y el deseo del analista. Lapso, (6), 25–30. Retrieved from



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