Lo íntimo y singular: deseo-goce-amor


  • Débora Nitzcaner Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis. Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana. Maestría en Psicoanálisis UNSAM Centro de Salud Mental Nº 3 F. Ameghino


ética, letra, objeto a, síntoma, transferencia


The author starts from the Lacanian quote “to take the desire to the letter” in The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power (Lacan, 1958, p. 590). She wonders about the moment of teaching in which Jacques Lacan carried out these developments. She makes a journey through the notion of desire for psychoanalysis, locating in relation to it the weight of the signifier and the value of the letter. Then, she specifies the importance of the transference bond in the experience of an analysis and its intimate consequences, wondering how love plays. Thus, in a rigorous epistemic development, she approaches the conceptions of love, desire and jouissance and the possible articulation between them, in a reading of the concepts from the psychoanalytic clinic.


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How to Cite

Nitzcaner, D. (2023). Lo íntimo y singular: deseo-goce-amor. Lapso, (6), 16–24. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/lapso/article/view/40167



Teoría y conceptos