Could a robot be subject?


  • Ivana Nahir Fuentes Universidad Nacional de San Martín


letter, number, robot, S1, traversing the fantasy


What differentiates a parlêtre from a robot? Can we make a robot from a human? Is the biology of the flesh finally the barrier between an android and a human being? Can be a subject there? And if so, is it possible to hypothesize a fantasy and locate its traversing?

In the present text, we will articulate the concept of fantasy in neurosis and its traversing towards the direction of a cure, considering it from a fictional character, a robot.

The consequences of the implantation of a mark, made on each robot with the intention of a better imitation of humanity will also be explored, appearing in the series as the center of the maze. A homology between this mark and S1 will be proposed as a mark of jouissance and its accomplishment will reintroduce what is intended as a foreclosure, science at the service of manipulation for mercantilism purposes: the jouissance at stake.


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How to Cite

Fuentes, I. N. (2020). Could a robot be subject?. Lapso, (5), 68–74. Retrieved from



Teoría y conceptos