About the Journal

This is an annual magazine and its purpose is to publish, in Spanish and English versions, research articles, scientific communication, and original creations based on the theoretical framework of Lacanian-Oriented Psychoanalysis.

As it is expressed in the first editorial by Dr. Mariana Gómez, LAPSO constitutes “an effort of writing and rewriting psychoanalytic concepts and Lacan’s teaching. This effort will seek to make those concepts pass through the University. However, its greatest challenge will be to achieve, from the space of a lapse, the production of a text in the reverse of the logic of the master, the teacher.”

Articles published by LAPSO are assessed using a double-blind process. It should be noted that this magazine does not charge any fees for the reception of works nor does for the publication of articles. LAPSO is a free magazine as of the publication of each issue and its contents are published under ISSN: 2525-0965.

About the Master’s Program in Lacanian Psychoanalytic Theory

In light of the vast permeation of the psychoanalytic conceptual corpus in the cultural and professional areas of our field, the Master’s Program intends to create an academic environment that allows to address, elaborate on, and research Jacques Lacan’s contributions to the theoretical foundations of Psychoanalysis and the interdisciplinary development in conversation with other areas where subjectivity unfolds.

While we are aware of the multiplicity of orientations derived from the psychoanalytic theory, even before the passing of its creator, Sigmund Freud, this academic proposal has a theoretical consistency basis that allows the cohesive articulation of the elements in a complex conceptual corpus, in which each notion is founded on and dialogues with its predecessors, and anticipates the future internal epistemological twists. For this reason, the Master’s Program follows an orientation that pivots the crucial moments of the Lacanian teaching and expects students to build on that considering its ruptures and articulations. Therefore, taking these crucial moments of Lacan’s teaching as a basis; on the one hand, the program addresses the concepts, axioms, and mathemes of the theory and; on the other hand, it approaches the changes these undergo over the course of the theoretical production.