There is no clowning about it!


  • France Jaigu Université Paris Nanterre. Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis. Miembro de la École de la Cause Freudienne. .


masquerade, femininity, maternity, Clowns


The compelling nature and effectiveness of clowns and their heavily made-up faces could thus be traced back —among others— to the very early experiences of childhood, experiences that have left memories of satisfaction and laughter tinged with the knowledge that something else is going on beneath the smiles, the caring and the love. Beyond the mask of motherhood lurks a desire that cannot be overlooked, the unknown desire of an Other that causes anxiety in the subject who is confronted with it. Clowns —albeit perfectly friendly ones— thus always carry about them a feeling of the uncanny that Freud described in his work.


A.A [Chills] (6 de octubre de 2016) Top 15 Scariest Clown Sightings Videos [Archivo de video] Recuperado de aquí.

Daub, A. (16 de septiembre de 2016) “Where “It” Was: Rereading Stephen King’s “It” on Its 30th Anniversary”. Los Ángeles Review of Books. Disponible en aquí.

Freud, S. (1919 [2010]. “Lo ominoso”. Obras completas. Tomo XII. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

Jones, E. (1927) “The early development of female sexuality”. The international journal of psycho-analysis. Volumen III. Part. 4. University at Buffalo Libraries, Buffalo: p.p 459-472

Lacan, J. (1957-1958 [2010]) “Las Formaciones del Inconsciente” en El seminario de Jacques Lacan. Libro 5. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

King, S. (2016) It. Nueva York: Scribner. Disponible aquí.

King, S. (3 de octubre de 2016) “Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria–most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh”. Disponible aquí.

Rivière, J. (2007). “La femineidad como máscara”. (Traducción de Velásquez, A. y Ponce de León, M. Athenea Digital, número 11. p.p: 219-226. Disponible aquí.





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