Book Review: A course on human rights on the big screen


  • Francisco Pérez Fernández Universidad de Oviedo



Law and cinema, Human rights, Legal cinema, Social sciences


The aim of this paper is to comment the work Human Rights in cinema, written by Benjamín Rivaya García. The book itself is an original exercise of analysis on the presence that human rights have had in cinematographic narration throughout history. As its author explains to us, the objectives pursued by the work are to explain the particular way in which cinema relates to the legal world, identify the ideological elements that are present in film discourse and claim the indisputable role that cinema has today as an educational resource. Its reading is especially revealing when it addresses all these broad questions, which are not always treated according to the importance that undoubtedly belongs to them. Here we will try to make a brief exposition and comment on the main themes discussed in the book, with the intention of promoting a different and pleasant approach to cinematographic art.


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Referencias filmográficas

Capra, F. (Director). (1938). You Can´t Take it with You [Película]. Columbia Pictures.

Griffith, D.W. (Director). (1915). The Birth of a Nation [Película]. David W. Griffith Corp.

Griffith, D.W. (Director). (1916). Intolerance [Película]. The Triangle Film Corporation y Wark Producing Corporation.

Lumet, S. (Director). (1957). 12 angy men [Película]. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer y Orion-Nova Productions.

Mulligan, R. (Director). (1962). To Kill a Mockingbird [Película]. Pakula-Mulligan Production, Brentwood Production y Universal Pictures.

Sica, V. (Director). (1948). Ladri di biclette [Película]. Produzioni De Sica.

Sica, V. (Director). (1951). Miracolo a Milano [Película]. Produzioni De Sica y Ente Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche.

Sica, V. (Director). (1952). Umberto D. [Película]. Rizzoli Film.

Vidor, K. (Director). (1949). The Fountainhead [Película]. Warner Bros.



How to Cite

Pérez Fernández, F. (2024). Book Review: A course on human rights on the big screen. Ética Y Cine Journal, 14(2), 119–125.