The challenges of society through fantasy cinema: the role of the forest


  • Ander Goikoetxea Pérez Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



Film, Fantasy, Reality, Forest, Society, Ethics


The film is intimately involved by the concerns, the tendencies and the aspirations of the time. Having understood the connection between the creators and recipients of the film, this article seeks to elucidate whether such a foundation can be extended to fantasy cinema. In particular, we explore the ethical function of the forest in audiovisual narrative, since in the fantasy genre forests play a crucial role. Our goal is to understand its meaning and its importance in these stories. The corpus is established by works written and directed by one of the most prominent directors of the genre in the Basque Country: Errementari (2017) and Irati (2022) by Paul Urkijo Alijo. Through textual analysis, we can describe how a certain organization of indicators leads the spectator to concrete meanings; in this case, the author clearly highlights the importance of forests, offering different perspectives in each of the films. The forest takes on a culminating meaning in human development.


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How to Cite

Goikoetxea Pérez, A. (2024). The challenges of society through fantasy cinema: the role of the forest. Ética Y Cine Journal, 14(2), 99–109.