Multiplication, An Outbreak of The Body

The Relationship Between Cinema and Politics in Foucault’s thought


  • Lautaro Colautti Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras



Foucault, Cinema, Body, Memory, Resistance


In this article, we aim to provide an analysis of the articles and interviews that Michel Foucault gave about cinema starting from the 1970s. Essentially, in his comments on films by directors such as Pier Paolo Pasolini, Marguerite Duras, René Allio, Liliana Cavani, Werner Schroeter, or Louis Malle, among others, the theorist expresses a way of understanding cinema based on its ability to depict bodies in a novel and disruptive manner. We will seek to demonstrate how this conception of cinema is related to the understanding of politics through the notions of resistance and politics of freedom.


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How to Cite

Colautti, L. (2024). Multiplication, An Outbreak of The Body : The Relationship Between Cinema and Politics in Foucault’s thought. Ética Y Cine Journal, 14(2), 93–97.