From Horror to Body Transmutation in The Cinema of David Cronenberg


  • Xavier Brito Alvarado Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Universidad de Málaga y Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina (CIESPAL)



Film industry, Film director, Corporality, Terror


The presence of diseases, viruses, sex, violence and the fusion between flesh and inorganic matter have been the constant narratives of David Cronenberg’s cinema, creating a physical and psychological metamorphosis of the characters. These films present visceral imagery where the horrifying and macabre are present. Cronenberg explores the fears towards the body, the transgressions from inside-out, which materialize with technologies, which intrudes us into the dark labyrinths of the degradation of the anatomical mass mixed with metals and dirt. Cronenberg’s cinema, and perhaps its greatest virtue, is that it allows us to connect a critique to the condition of fragility of the biological body in the face of technoscientific advance, however, it also becomes a battlefield, that stage of the abject, from where binary oppositions are answered, and the vehicle to express all types of metaphorical, allegorical, metaphysical and abstract concepts, which dismantles all Cartesian dualist narrative. This last idea allows us to build a debate about a metamorphosis not only of the biological body, but also of the psychic one that the human species is going through; This being the main objective of this essay.


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How to Cite

Brito Alvarado, X. (2024). From Horror to Body Transmutation in The Cinema of David Cronenberg. Ética Y Cine Journal, 14(2), 73–83.