The city of excited nerves: urban life in classic Argentine film noir


  • Daniel Adrián Giacomelli Facultad de Arte – Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires



film noir, Argentina, peronism, city, affections


In the following article we propose to carry out the analysis of the films Apenas un delincuente (Fregonese, 1949), Del otro lado del puente (Rinaldi, 1953) and Final Rehearsal (Lugones, 1955), works belonging to the Argentine film noir made during Peronism, in which urban life takes center stage. Starting from the study of the affective mappings of the protagonists, we will try to demonstrate how a Peronist feeling develops in its paths, while we will develop a study of the spaces in the Argentine variant of the noir genre.


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Author Biography

Daniel Adrián Giacomelli, Facultad de Arte – Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

In the following article we propose to carry out the analysis of the films Apenas un delincuente (Fregonese, 1949), Del otro lado del puente (Rinaldi, 1953) and Final Rehearsal (Lugones, 1955), works belonging to the Argentine film noir made during Peronism, in which urban life takes center stage. Starting from the study of the affective mappings of the protagonists, we will try to demonstrate how a Peronist feeling develops in its paths, while we will develop a study of the spaces in the Argentine variant of the noir genre.


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How to Cite

Giacomelli, D. A. (2024). The city of excited nerves: urban life in classic Argentine film noir. Ética Y Cine Journal, 14(1), 67–76.