A disturbing origin


  • Lucía Amatriain Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • María Elena Domínguez Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires




Falsified Affiliation, Appropriation, The Uncanny, Animism, magic and omnipotence of thought, Harry Potter


Harry Potter carries on his body the scar of a disturbing origin. It carries secrets that himself does not know… but at the age of ten, a letter arrives at its destination and the lies about his family history begin to be revealed. Magic appears to him, then, as a strange influence that he does not know where it comes from. This hidden power directs him towards an adventure that involves returning to a terrible past that is updated, again and again, in the deception maintained by his uncles, who have been entrusted with his upbringing and care. We quetion ourselves, in this scenario, abour the place of the family in the human constitution and the subjective consequences of lying about origin, having as backdrop the Argentine case and the treatment given to childhood during the last dictatorship. What dos Harry teach us about the violation of identity? What is the long path of its revelation like? In the service of what is magic presented in this story? We locate three points that are articulated among themselves: the announcement of the lie about the origin, the proximity to the appropriations of identity in Argentina and the resource of magic as a vehicle that enables the elaboration of what remained hidden.


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How to Cite

Amatriain, L., & Domínguez, M. E. (2023). A disturbing origin. Ética Y Cine Journal, 13(3), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.31056/2250.5415.v13.n3.43866