Psychoanalysis in Cinema and Theater

The Reverse of the Message Between the Director and the Viewer as the Antithesis of Scientific Discourse


  • Carlos Alexis Cabrera Kahuazango Grupo de investigación libres pensadores Universidad de Nariño



Cinema, Psychoanalysis, Director, Spectator


The film or theater director finds himself traversed by the discourse of his time and era, added to the works that he has previously digested to build his scripts and particular cinematographic style. Also, it has been disrupted by the influence of its viewers as direct consumers of his work. In this sense, the filmmaker recognizes himself not only during the creative process of the film in relation to expressiveness and communication with his actors, even his goal goes beyond the construction of the film, it requires a symbolic setting to share his message and finally be able to fully recognize himself through the criticism of the Other when he projects his long-awaited "final product". On the contrary, the spectator or film buff goes in another direction, since he does not carry out a catharsis or sublimation, but rather a complementary psychic work that consists of identification, embodied in the consumption and interpretation of the films he watches, because unconsciously the subject is a vector that is represented with many tragic and dramatic activities projected on the screen or in theaters.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Kahuazango, C. A. (2023). Psychoanalysis in Cinema and Theater: The Reverse of the Message Between the Director and the Viewer as the Antithesis of Scientific Discourse. Ética Y Cine Journal, 13(2), 49–59.