The landscapes of grief: spaces of loss on the Argentine coast


  • Rocio Gordon Christopher Newport University



Mourning, Landscape, Coast, Space, Haptic


This article presents a spatial approach to grief through the analysis of Pinamar (2016) by Federico Godfrid, Las olas by Natalia Dagatti (2017) and Los miembros de la familia (2019) by Mateo Bendesky. The recent death of the mother is the starting point of these three films that are set in coastal towns or cities of Buenos Aires during the off season. This essay examines the relationship between grief and space by exploring how the return to a liminal space (the coast) and materiality of its landscape create a cinematic form and narrative that represents the dislocation of the self when it faces the absence left by death.


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Referencias bibliográficas

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Referencias filmográficas

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How to Cite

Gordon, R. (2023). The landscapes of grief: spaces of loss on the Argentine coast. Ética Y Cine Journal, 13(2), 37–48.