The Big Screen as a Laboratory and Mirror for Roboethics


  • José Miguel Biscaia Fernández Universidad Europea de Madrid



Roboethics, Science-fiction, Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Technological singularity, Transhumanism


Roboethics is a branch of applied ethics interested in the ethical and social challenges of robotics and artificial intelligence. In this essay I use the science-fiction cinema to reflect in this discipline, taking into account the dual function of this genre as “mirror” of the techno-scientific avant-garde and as a “laboratory” for futuristic speculation and social influence. Among the ethical-social issues related to these technologies, I focus my efforts on analysing (1) the risk and associated security measures, (2) the inherent rights and duties, and (3) the relational consequences of the human-machine dyad. In conclusion, it should be noted that the science-fiction cinema has approached without dissimulation (with a different degree of plausibility) all these questions, which seem of the utmost urgency if we consider the bio-psycho-social impact that robotics and cybernetics already have (and will have) in our lives.


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How to Cite

Biscaia Fernández, J. M. (2022). The Big Screen as a Laboratory and Mirror for Roboethics. Ética Y Cine Journal, 12(2), 55–69.