The Turing test in Ex Machina: Is Ava an intentional system?


  • Maria Paola Caycedo-Castro Universidad el Bosque
  • Boris Julián Pinto-Bustamante Universidad del Bosque; Universidad del Rosario



Bioethics, Artificial intelligence, Motion pictures, Theory of mind, Emotions


This article addresses the problem of the interaction between human beings and artificial intelligence based on the Turing test represented in the movie Ex Machina. Some of the main perspectives in relation to the philosophy of mind are reviewed and the problem posed by the film is analyzed, as to whether Ava, the humanoid robot, passes the Turing test, based on three hypotheses: The mental states described by John Searle constitute the three dimensions of the psychic world and moral deliberation: the factual dimension of perception, the estimative dimension of values, and the pragmatic dimension of actions. The second hypothesis affirms that ideas constitute intentional mental states, units of cultural transmission that, associated with emotional states, constitute feelings as neurocultural phenomena. The third hypothesis states that the community of meanings emerging from the link between affects and symbolic-cultural systems can be made up of both human beings and algorithmic systems. In this sense, the proof of strong artificial intelligence consists in the verification in such systems of affective (evaluative) mental states mediated by cultural interaction.


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How to Cite

Caycedo-Castro, M. P., & Pinto-Bustamante, B. J. (2022). The Turing test in Ex Machina: Is Ava an intentional system?. Ética Y Cine Journal, 12(2), 23–32.