“Dallas Buyers Club” or how to resist segregation drift.


  • Joaquin Carrasco Nueva Escuela Lacaniana-Sede Santiago




Cinema, Pandemic, VIH, Segregation, Ethics, Psychoanalysis


In this article, segregation is addressed as one of the phenomena that occur after a pandemic outbreak. By the film Dallas Buyers Club (2013),
directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, this issue is explored from the spread of HIV in the US in the 1980s. What can we say from psychoanalysis ethics about
these phenomena of segregation, it’s possible effects and outputs for a subject? In order to think about some possible answers, an approach towards
psychoanalysis ethics is initially proposed. After that, a reading of the film is proposed considering the traumatic nature of the virus, the different
dimensions of segregation and the solutions that allow the protagonist not to be considered as a waste object. Finally, some reflections on a possible
approach to segregative phenomena are proposed from an ethic that promotes singularity.


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How to Cite

Carrasco, J. (2020). “Dallas Buyers Club” or how to resist segregation drift. Ética Y Cine Journal, 10(3), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.31056/2250.5415.v10.n3.30883