The heresy of each and love as writing, in the face of the pandemic of the One alone


  • Claudia Lijtinstens Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis | Fundación AVENIR, Argentina



Psychoanalysis, Loneliness, Sinthome, Identity, Series


Faced with contemporary loneliness, aggravated by the pandemic events of reality, some possible solutions are exposed by way of heresy as a position of being, but also by way of love as a support for an encounter, in the sense of a bond that enables getting out of autoeroticism and tempering
what is impossible to bear, based on the English television series The end of The f ... World (Entwistle, 2017). A loving and new bond where each of
the characters, authentic unsubscribed to the unconscious, in their adolescent awakening, look for a substitute in that symptomatic partner. It will
be psychoanalysis, from a certain unsociability and heretical insubordination, which will be able to make room for a response from the subject by
linking that object that makes it something unique in a journey that names the knot between sinthoma and identity


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How to Cite

Lijtinstens, C. (2020). The heresy of each and love as writing, in the face of the pandemic of the One alone. Ética Y Cine Journal, 10(3), 9–12.