Social justice and gastronomy


  • Nadia McGowan Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España



The Platform, Food, Moral dilemma, Resource distribution


The Platform is a horror fable that uses food as a metaphor in order to criticize the current social system and its lack of an equitable distribution of limited resources. In this film, the monster arises from the reactions of its different characters when they find themselves excluded from the richest echelons of the prison they inhabit. Faced with this situation, several reactions arise: the individual struggle for survival, attempts towards creating social awareness and to start a social revolution. The story gives the viewer the chance to reflect on the moral implications of each part of the story,
which uses horror to communicate its message while not reaching a clear conclusion as to which would be the best way to achieve a future different
from that one portrayed. This article analyzes the implications of the actions of the different characters, using literary and social references, placing
special emphasis on the use of food as the main element that motivates and moves the characters and creates ethical dilemmas.


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How to Cite

McGowan, N. (2020). Social justice and gastronomy. Ética Y Cine Journal, 10(2), 23–31.