The handmaid’s tale: psychoanalysis, feminisms and religion


  • Matías Meichtri Quintans Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (EOL) Sección Córdoba



Neopaternalism, No-sexual-intercourse, Sexuation, Female position, Pibas, Freud


The present article, from the TV series The handmaid’s tale (Atwood and Moss, 2017), addresses the history of women and the universe of the feminine in articulation with psychoanalysis, trying to answer the place they occupy to it. Thus, it starts from the beginning of psychoanalysis with Freud and his commitment to listen to the discomfort of the pibas of that time. The tour leads to outline an answer about what is feminine for psychoanalysis and what it would mean to speak of a feminist psychoanalysis. Likewise, it emphasizes two signifiers that take an unprecedented prominence in the current state and that the series, as a phenomenon that accounts for the present, allows addressing: feminisms and religions.


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How to Cite

Meichtri Quintans, M. . (2019). The handmaid’s tale: psychoanalysis, feminisms and religion. Ética Y Cine Journal, 9(3), 9–11.