Superheroes and the future of human species. A bioethical look at the X-Men film: days of the future past


  • Natalia Pedraza Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



Superheroes, Movies, Science fiction, Bioethics, Genetic modification


Superhero films show us significant attitudes, embodied in characters that, as the main objective, have the obligation to decide in situations where their moral principles are put in question. Their lifes move among a myriad of aspirations and fears that usually end up putting the survival of the human species at risk. Thus, the superhero must be considered by bioethics, since, this science fiction film confronts us with dilemmatic situations in which our conceptions on topics such as nature, survival and interventions to the human species, demand us to question ourselves about of what we can allow, favor or prohibit, about the use of, for example, biotechnology on human and non-human lifes, highlighting that the limits between human and non-human have become more insecure.


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Sobre las características de los X-Men.



How to Cite

Pedraza, N. (2019). Superheroes and the future of human species. A bioethical look at the X-Men film: days of the future past. Ética Y Cine Journal, 9(2), 27–37.


