Tamburrini by Caetano: from testimony to horror film


  • Alfredo Dillon Universidad Católica Argentina




Adaptation, Cinematographic transposition, Testimony, Horror films, Chronicle of an Escape


The aim of this article is to analyze the process of filmic adaptation of Claudio Tamburrini’s testimony, Pase libre. La fuga de la Mansión Seré (2002), into Israel Adrián Caetano’s Chronicle of an Escape (Crónica de una fuga, 2006). The paper considers the problem of transformation of point of view in the transposition of a first person testimony, as well as the use of horror genre codes in the cinematographic representation of concentration camps in Argentina’s last military dictatorship (1976-1983). The construction of characters and the effects of suspension of morality inside the clandestine center of detention and torture are also studied. Finally, the article discusses the limits of literary and audiovisual representation of horror, in order to avoid spectacularization and sensationalism.


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How to Cite

Dillon, A. (2019). Tamburrini by Caetano: from testimony to horror film. Ética Y Cine Journal, 9(1), 37–47. https://doi.org/10.31056/2250.5415.v9.n1.23892


