Hadewijch. Between mysticism and passion, the superego


  • Mariana Gómez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




The feminine, Masochism, Feminine jouissance, Fanaticism, Feminine superego, Body


This article is based on the film Hadewijch by Bruno Dumont (2009), which is inspired by a young woman whose pain of being pushes her to a fanatical passion until the last consequences. This work lies in the articulation of this film with the fanaticism phenomenon, in one of its versions, mysticism. It maintains the premise that speaking of fanaticism implies the question of the body and parts of three points: masochism, the feminine and the superego. The question is asked about the superego in all fanatical passions, and its relationship with feminine jouissance. In this way, mysticism is approached from the original masochism, thinking it in relation to the feminine of the superego that pushes to jouissance disproportionately. From a journey through these theoretical categories, we seek to answer what leads Hadewijch to such mystical fanaticism and how far this woman can go by a fanatical love for the other


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How to Cite

Gómez, M. (2018). Hadewijch. Between mysticism and passion, the superego. Ética Y Cine Journal, 8(3), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.31056/2250.5415.v8.n3.22768


