The union of psychology and cinema in the construction of characters. Mommy's case


  • Cristina Hernández Carrillo de la Higuera Universidad de Málaga



Cinema, Psychology, Characters, Xavier Dolan, Mommy


This study deals with the film Mommy (2014) directed by Xavier Dolan, through an analysis of content, using qualitative techniques, with the purpose of finding how are represented some terms of psychology: the attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, antisocial and aggressive behaviors, the mother-child relationship, the comorbidity with affective disorders and the stereotypical representation of the psychiatric institution. This study is realised in order to determine if what these thematics transmit corresponds to some extent with reality. The findings show that after the film, there is a great work of documentation at the time of building the characters in a responsable and exhaustive manner.


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How to Cite

Hernández Carrillo de la Higuera, C. (2018). The union of psychology and cinema in the construction of characters. Mommy’s case. Ética Y Cine Journal, 8(1), 61–70.